Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kahunas in Hawaii

E komo mai to all of our Best Hawaii Vacation blog visitors!
Those of our Hawaii visitors who are coming back again and again to the Hawaiian Islands, respect the aina (land) and its people, make themselves knowledgeable about the Hawaiian culture and history, are familiar with the Hawaiian word 'kahuna'. Kahunas in Hawaii are experts in a certain field such as religion, health, crafts, science, psychology or magic.
In our days the word 'kahuna' is used in many ways. Sometimes it seems people without any traditional Hawaiian knowledge use the word 'kahuna' or claim 'kahuna' or 'big kahuna' for their legitimating that website and information is closely associated with the Hawaiian culture. The 'Kahunas in Hawaii' search results in Google reflect that more than anything else.
Keoki and myself consider a Hawaiian healer/expert health professional or a minister/priest a Hawaiian 'Kahuna', a person who is a recognized expert by their Hawaiian community in their field. There is no school or college which can grant the title 'Kahuna' to a healer because of his expertise in a given field. It is the joint recognition by his Hawaiian community which makes him or her a 'kahuna'. All the Hawaiian Islands have their 'kahunas', some times well-known all over the islands.
When you ask long time residents of Hawaii Big Island about the healer Papa Auwae, there is no doubt that they will refer to him as a 'Kahuna'. His expansive knowledge of Hawaiian herbs and treatments made him not only a well-known Kahuna in Hawaii but way beyond the islands. Honolulu Star Bulletin wrote "Papa Auwae was best known as a kahunala'aulapa'au, an herbalist, knowledge he learned from his 107-year-old great-great-grandmother'. He died in 2001 at age 94.

big group of students who followed his teachings when he was still alive, are practicing today what they learned from him. When healer and kahuna Papa Auwae died in 2001, the Hawaiian Islands lost one of their most respected 'Kahunas'.
It takes a very long time to gain knowledge and healing expertise as Papa Auwae had accumulated over a life time. The title 'kahuna' was well in place for him. Keoki and I are very proud of having known him and having experienced his healing first hand. For all those who'd like to learn more about those who continue Papa Auwae's teachings, please, read the journey of inheritance or about Kahuna, Kumu and Kapuna in Hawaii read Hawaii Relationship Healing
So when coming to Hawaii on a search for a Hawaiian kahuna healer, take your time to talk to the Hawaiian people and communities, they will direct you to the right 'kanuna'. If you already know of 'Kahunas in Hawaii', we would love to hear from you about your personal experience.
A hui hou. Aloha, Pua Hawaii Vacations

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